About Us
About Turn2us
News and Media
Blog: The power of co-production and policymaking
Chancellor urged to stop stigmatising social security ahead of Budget
Influencing the Fraud, Error and Recovery Bill
This Valentine's Day give a future without worry
‘No DSS’ discrimination
2022-2023 annual report
April Price Hikes: What You Need to Know
Are the Government fixing Universal Credit?
Public faith in charities is declining
'Back to school' financial help
Blog: Turn2us supports launch of RTYDS initiative
Edinburgh Trust Raises Funds to Support Shakti Women’s Aid
Evaluation Review and Recommendations Brief
'Fuel bank' pilot initiative launched
Help with school holiday costs
Integrating safeguarding, coproduction and EDIB at Turn2us
Learning brief – New Grant Programme focusing on Single Parent Families
Partner spotlight: Pan Thames Paediatric Long Term Ventilation Programme
Turn2us Annual Report 2023-24
Turn2us gets support boost from players of People’s Postcode Lottery
Turn2us celebrates support from players of People's Postcode Lottery
Turn2us celebrates the launch of Edinburgh Regenerative Futures Fund
Turn2us launches ‘Let’s Get the System Working’ campaign
Turn2us makes changes to helpline service
Turn2us responds to Budget
Turn2us responds to welfare reforms
Turn2us website wins Kentico Site of the Year Award
Understanding the impact of Turn2us’s legacy grant programmes
What does the 2024 Autumn Budget mean for you?
What does the 2024 Spring Budget mean for you?
Who Turn2us works with: Family Fund
"100% of my income goes on rent”
"Support when you need it most"
#BenefitsAware Campaign real-life stories
#LivingWithout a cooker? Help is available
#ShowUsYourWoolly to support No Cold Homes
£10 billion of benefits unclaimed
£4.8 billion of Housing Benefit unclaimed
1 in 5 have poor mental health due to finances
1 in 7 private renters living without basics
1.4 million “zero-hours contracts”
125 years of tackling poverty: How Many More?
134,000 households have benefits capped
202,200 households to be homeless by 2026
220,000 due to get more in disability benefit
28,630 babies affected by Benefit Cap
3/4 of Claimants Worried about Welfare Changes
40% of parents worried about back to school costs
5 facts about the Benefit Cap
50% of working households struggle to heat homes
60 ways to fix Universal Credit
800,000 to be affected by tax credit change
99% drop in Legal Aid for social welfare cases
A big thank you to all our volunteers!
A Christmas letter from Turn2us
A real National Living Wage?
A record number affected by Council Tax arrears
A third of MPs have claimed unemployment benefits
A year in review: Our annual report
AgeUK launches Cold Homes Week
Alzheimer's and Welfare Benefits
Appeal court rules bedroom tax discriminatory
April Benefit Changes
Are Work Capability Assessments being abolished?
Are you about to lose your free school meals?
Are you an intermediary working in Scotland?
Are you underpaid?
Are your bills higher than average?
Armed Forces Day 2016
Armed Forces personnel and veterans
Article by Baroness Lister of Burtersett
Ask the Lived Experience Experts Interview
Austerity measures profoundly effect wellbeing
Be an intermediary in Newcastle upon Tyne?
Become a Turn2us Associate Trainer
Benefit Cap: Are you affected by the changes?
Benefit Changes 2019/20
Benefit changes in 2020
Benefit delivery examined in Committee Inquiry
Benefit rates increase this April 2025
Benefit rates 2019/20
Benefit rates 2020-21
Benefit Sanctions: What can you do?
Benefits Aware Campaign Launches Today
Benefits make up over half of incomes for poorest
Benefits Question and Answer session
Blackpool Intermediary Training
Blue Badge scheme extended
Breaking the link between cancer and poverty
Brexit and poverty: An open letter to MPs
Bristol and Milton Keynes workshops
Budget Day: Follow our live blog
Campaign to dispel myths about bankruptcy
Can’t afford to die? The rise of funeral poverty
Cancer - A Costly Diagnosis
Cancer survivor raises over £1,500 for Turn2us
Cancer survivor's 250 mile cycle challenge
Cancer survivor's cycle challenge for Turn2us
Celebrating our incredible volunteer visitors
Celebrating Our Student Volunteers
Chancellor signals rethink over tax credits
Changes to part-time work benefits
Changes to Severe Disability Compensation Payment
Changes to the Turn2us Response Fund
Changes to the UK TV Licence
Charities back Fair for You social enterprise
Charity Impact Analyst wanted
Charity launches star-studded clothes auction
Charity reaction to Iain Duncan Smith's speech
Charity spotlight: TaxAid
Child Benefit and Tax Credit if your child is 16
Child poverty measures will not tell full story
Child poverty set to increase
Child tax credit reforms
Childcare costs keeping parents out of work
Children bullied due to ‘hygiene poverty’
Children pushed into poverty by childcare costs
Christmas Grants and other support
Claim free school meals before the end of term
Claim Pension Credit before August 18th
Claimant Commitment - Getting It Right
Claiming PIP and ESA: “Horrific and inhumane”
Co-production and Turn2us
Cold weather coming our way
Comic Relief supports Turn2us workshops
Committee calls for pause in cuts to tax credits
Concern about changes to ESA
Concerns about homeowners’ long wait for help
Consultation on National Living Wage
Consumers owed £1.5 billion by energy firms
Contact a Family - Turn2us Charity of the Month
Controversy on changes to student loan repayment
Coronavirus - information and support
Coronavirus - latest personal finance news
Coronavirus: Financial help for the self-employed
Councils spend £100m to help struggling renters
Creating a new Benefits Calculator: my experience
Credit where it’s due
Cross party support in Stormont for BenefitsAware
Cuts leaves individuals without assistance
Dance charities merge
Dance Professionals Fund
Deaf Awareness Week
Diabetes Week 2016
Did you know it’s Volunteers’ Week?
Digital volunteering
Disability Awareness Day
Disability Benefit Assessments
Do you earn less than £296 a week?
Do you earn less than £401 a week?
Do you have the right compassion and care?
Do you pay too much rent?
Domestic violence and benefits
Don’t forget to renew your tax credits
Don’t forget to renew your tax credits by 31 July
Don’t miss out on £300 Winter Fuel Payment
DWP being investigated
Elizabeth Finn Fund Redesign: Weeknotes 01
Elizabeth Finn Fund Redesign: Weeknotes 02
Elizabeth Finn Homes scoops another award
Emerging playwright gives support to Turn2us
Employed but still struggling financially?
Employees of Concentrix had distressed callers
Ending the benefits freeze now
Energy bills to fall for millions of people
Energy price cap comes into force
England needs to build 3m new social homes
England: Council Tax Rebate 2022
Epilepsy and Welfare Benefits
EU Settled Status Scheme
Excess Winter Deaths Debate
Excess winter deaths rise to 34,300
Fabulous 5 set to raise over £9K for Turn2us!
Fair for You raises concerns over poverty premium
Families fall into debt over Council Tax arrears
Families feel pinch as debt rises
Families go cold to meet housing costs
Families to face Benefits Cap pressure
Families wrongly ‘benefit-capped’
Family Fund secures funding for next three years
Fibromyalgia and Welfare Benefits
Fighting loneliness and changing lives
Figures reveal 12% rise in homelessness
Figures reveal shocking levels of winter deaths
Financial help for construction workers
Financial recovery from Covid-19
First anniversary of the Turn2us Response Fund
Food or bills? Pay cut is coming
Froebel Trust: PhD Bursaries 2018
Funeral costs: More than one in ten struggling
Good luck to the Turn2us Great North Run runners
Government changes will reduce incomes greatly
Government launches Funeral Payments consultation
Government loses Lords vote on child poverty
Government pledges £1 billion for mental health
Government promise to reform disability benefits
Government urged to abandon ESA cuts
Grant Giving Charities meet to discuss challenges
Grants for people with a visual impairment
Grants Spotlight January 2016
Grants Spotlight: Education Support Partnership
Grants Spotlight: Family Fund
Grants Spotlight: FILT
Grants Spotlight: Licensed Trade Charity
Grants Spotlight: NewstrAid
Grants Spotlight: R.A.B.I
Grants Spotlight: Rainy Day Trust
Grants Spotlight: retailTRUST
Grants Spotlight: The Insurance Charities
Grenfell Tower: One Year On
GroceryAid - December's Grants Spotlight
GroceryAid Day - 26 April
GroceryAid publishes first impact report
Guest Article: Age UK
Guest Article: Carers Trust
Guest article: Working Families
Guest blog: Barry O'Dwyer, CEO of Royal London
Guest blog: Disability Law Service
Guest blog: Extending Support to Students
Guest Blog: Fashion & Textile Children's Trust
Guest Blog: Film & TV Charity
Guest blog: Gingerbread
Guest blog: Independent Age
Guest blog: Listening for Mental Health
Guest blog: Modern Slavery
Guest blog: Money Advice Trust
Guest Blog: Open University Bursaries
Half of young people worried about the future
Has your council cut its LWA scheme?
Have you ever taken out a payday loan?
Have you got your 30 hour free childcare?
Health inequalities gap wider than 10 years ago
Help for carers from benefits and grants
Help to Save
Help with common benefit problems
Helping Individuals in Need
Helping the residents of Grenfell Tower
Her Majesty the Queen
Highlights from No Cold Homes
HMRC: Update child details or benefits stop
Home Energy Scotland
Household incomes return to pre-recession levels
Housing benefit capped despite rising rents
Housing charity launches new website
How a grant can help when times are tough
How Covid-19 has affected my life
How COVID-19 is eroding financial resilience
How might the Autumn Statement help the JAMs?
How much should you be spending on childcare?
How the Autumn Statement may affect you
How Turn2us may be able to help you
Huge rise in workplace pregnancy discrimination
Impact of Government changes to in-work benefits
In-work poverty continues to rise
Innovative childcare scheme introduced in London
Inquiry launched into 'survival sex'
Is housing segregation pitting rich against poor?
Is the benefits freeze going to end?
Is work still a route out of poverty?
Jamie Grier appointed Director of Development
Jobcentre Plus support rolled out to schools
JRF launch five point plan to solve UK poverty
Karen's Story
Key highlights from the autumn spending review
Labour sets out economic plan at party conference
Last year, we awarded £2,984,122.31 in grants
Launch of No Cold Homes campaign
Life Events and Financial Insecurity
Living on little in London? You’re not alone
Local Housing Benefit cap delayed for a year
Lodge Leapers complete skydives for Turn2us
Lord Carey criticises tax credit cuts
Low earners get Help to Save
Majority of poor children are in working families
Many ESA claimants to receive backdated payments
Meet Jacqui
Meet the NHS staff supporting our children
Meet the volunteering team
Meet Turn2us Trainer Julie Ann
Meet Turn2us trainer Sue
Meet: Wear Valley Women's Aid (WVWA)
Men's Health Week
Mental health and welfare benefits
Mental Health Week
Mental Health Week 2019
Migrant benefits at forefront of EU negotiations
Mild winter prompts fall in Cold Weather Payments
Millions across UK are living without appliances
Millions have savings of £100 or less
Millions of children face risk of poverty
Millions to see energy price cap
Miricyl: Financial insecurity and mental health
Money and Mental Health Policy Institute
More than 300,000 people in Britain are homeless
Mortality Statistics: What you need to know
Move from DLA to PIP leaving many struggling
MPs approve Chancellor’s Budget
MPs debate fuel poverty ahead of Autumn Statement
MPs support #BenefitsAware Campaign
Mum in landmark win over bereavement benefits
My response to the Sewell Race report
National Co-Production Week: Christelle's Story
National Co-production Week: Interview
National Co-Production Week: Patsy and Erica
National Living Wage (NLW): effect on pay perks
Nearly £1.3bn of Carer's Allowance is unclaimed
New 16-17 Saver Railcard to be launched
New Government Cost of Living support
New Government Tax-free Childcare scheme
New Living Wage rates for London and the UK
New non-state pension rules start
New report shows more working families in poverty
New step in the Benefits Calculator
News Review: George Osborne and tax credit cuts
News Review: Those at the bottom struggling more
News Review: Unemployment falls to seven-year low
No Cold Homes celebrity auction closes today
No computer? No Benefits?
No prescriptions for over the counter medicine
October's Grant Spotlight - Railway Benefit Fund
Older people doing more to manage their finances
One in four struggles to eat regularly
Only one in six ever secure a better paid job
Our commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion
Our Covid Response Fund: an evaluation
Our grant-making during the pandemic
Over 50% of Workless Homes have a Disabled Adult
Parliament debates "period poverty"
Paul Maynard MP blog on LWAS
Pension Credit: Are you entitled to claim?
Pensioner poverty on rise
Period poverty: "Many resort to using old fabric"
Personal Independence Payment roll out continues
Philip Hammond's Autumn Statement in full
PIP failures mean independent living is at risk
PM has the words but does he have the policies
Poverty in Wales increases for working families
Prime Minister announces 'sink estates' action
Private renters unaware about Universal Credit
Quiz: How much do you know about Benefits?
Quiz: How much do you know about UK poverty?
Quiz: Which Type of Volunteer are You?
Reflecting on Crisis Grant-Making at Turn2us
Remembering Lionel Blair
Renew your tax credits by 31 July
Rents on the rise
Report finds significant impact of Fair for You
Report lifts lid on impact of sanctions
Report shows 1 in 6 sanctioned last years
Resolution Foundation review of Universal Credit
Response from Turn2us to Spring Budget 2017
Samaritans launch Talk to Us awareness month
Scam Alert
Scotland: Extra fuel poverty funding
Scotland: First Minister appoints poverty adviser
SDP Compensation and Universal Credit
September Charity of the Month
Severe Disability Premium and Universal Credit
Shared Parental Leave and Pay
Single parent employment at record high
Speech by Jeremy Corbyn on 29 September 2015
Stephen Crabb to lead DWP
Summer Budget 2015: Key points
Summer holiday help
Summer Holiday Support for Families
Supported housing funding scrutinized
Supporting People 75+ with TV Licensing Needs
Swim Serpentine 2016
Tax credit cuts scrapped in government U-turn
Tax credit cuts: Boris Johnson speaks out
Tax deadline: 31 January
Tax deadline: October 5
Tenancy evictions by bailiffs hit record high
Tenant Fees now banned!
Terminal illness and welfare benefits
Thank you!
The Autumn Statement: our reflections
The Chancellor's Autumn Statement Speech
The cost of raising a child exceeds £230,000
The crisis of claiming PIP if you are deaf
The death of the Duke of Edinburgh
The freeze on working age benefits
The Great City Road Bake Off
The Lords accept ESA disability benefit cuts
The Max Card
The National Living Wage comes into effect today
The National Minimum Wage rises
The rent-to-own rip-off
The Summer Budget 2015
The Turn2us Volunteers’ Area
Third of population below the poverty line
Thomas Cook employee?
Thomas Wall Trust: Grants for individuals
Three new criticisms of the DWP
Time to turn up the heat on poverty
Turn2us - Cyber Monday celebrity clothes auction
Turn2us announces additional support for carers
Turn2us at RideLondon
Turn2us at the Vitality 10K Run
Turn2us collaboration wins charity award
Turn2us fundraiser most senior cyclist finisher
Turn2us Grants Evaluation
Turn2us hosts All-Party Parliamentary Group on Universal Credit and gender
Turn2us Impact and Programmes Committee
Turn2us launches Edinburgh Community Programme
Turn2us launches Ireland website
Turn2us launches new brand identity
Turn2us launches new fund
Turn2us launches the Skills Bank
Turn2us meets with energy sector
Turn2us raises concerns over Universal Credit
Turn2us responds to the Budget 2021
Turn2us responds to the Spring Statement 2022
Turn2us responds to the Spring Statement 2023
Turn2us turns 120
Turn2us warning about rise in youth homelessness
Turn2us' warning on the tax credits cuts
Two-child limit announcement
Two-child limit causing poverty and abortions
UK child poverty rises by 200,000 in a year
UK employment at record high
UK retail sector set lose up to 900,000 jobs
UK unemployment rises to 1.7 million
Unemployment down but families still struggling
Universal Credit 'managed migration' starts soon
Universal Credit ‘broken’
Universal Credit ‘Managed Migration’ pilot starts
Universal Credit "shambles"
Universal Credit and Universal Support
Universal Credit available in 10 more jobcentres
Universal Credit available in six more jobcentres
Universal Credit changes in October
Universal Credit delayed again
Universal Credit expands to more jobcentres
Universal Credit failing low-income families
Universal Credit survey
Universal Credit: Winners and losers
Universal Credit/Working Tax Credit Uplift
Vacancies: Turn2us Head of Communications
Vacancies: Volunteer Support Officer (full-time)
Victory for carers over benefit cap
Volunteering from your mobile
Volunteering in 2019
Volunteering in 2019 more important than ever
Volunteering in the Turn2us Office
Volunteers' Week 2019: A Thank You
Volunteers’ Week 2018
Warning about impact of fuel poverty on health
We have been nominated for a Charity Award!
Welfare Benefits Projects Manager wanted
Welfare Bill - where are we now?
Welfare bill passes second hurdle
Welfare Cap to leave sour taste in 'JAM' budget
Welfare cuts put kinship carers at poverty risk
Welfare Reform and Work Bill published
Well done to our Serpentine 2016 swimmers!
Well done to the Turn2us runners in the GNR!
What are the worst sectors for low pay?
What benefit is being abolished in April?
What do you think of PIP and ESA?
What do you think of Universal Credit?
What does Autumn Statement 2023 mean for you?
What does Brexit mean for you?
What does Budget 2018 mean for you?
What does Budget 2020 mean for you?
What does the 2023 Spring Budget mean for you?
What does the 2019 Spring Statement mean for you?
What does the 2018 Spring Statement mean for you?
What have the fundraising team been up to?
What I have learnt since September
What is the cost of a disability?
What is the Flexible Support Fund (FSF)?
What is the poverty premium?
What we might expect to see in today's Budget
When benefits get paid this festive period
Who do the working classes vote for?
Who is running the DWP under Boris Johnson?
Who was Elizabeth Finn?
Winter deaths at highest level for 15 years
Wish List
Women's Aid England and Welsh Women's Aid report
Work with people in need in Leeds/Manchester?
Working together to tackle gendered poverty
You must renew your tax credits by July 31
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