Housing Benefit (England, Scotland and Wales) - How much Housing Benefit will I get?
Housing Benefit is money to help you with your housing costs if you are on a low income. Housing Benefit is being replaced by Universal Credit.
- Last reviewed 20 December 2024
How much Housing Benefit will I get?
It can be complicated to work out how much Housing Benefit you might get. You can use the Turn2us Benefits Calculator which will calculate how much Housing Benefit you may be entitled to.
If you get benefits like Income Support, income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA), income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA) or the guarantee part of Pension Credit, you will get your maximum amount of Housing Benefit, but this will not necessarily cover all of your rent.
Even if you are working, you might get some Housing Benefit to help towards your rent. This depends on your income and savings, and on your personal circumstances.
Bedroom entitlement
Part of the Housing Benefit calculation for private tenants and working-age social tenants is based on how many bedrooms you are thought to need for your household. You are allowed one bedroom for each category shown below:
Each adult couple
Each person over 16
Two children of the same sex under 16
Two children under 10, regardless of their sex
Any other child
An overnight carer you need but who doesn't normally live with you.
Private tenants have an extra category meaning that most single people, under age 35, with no children are only allowed one bedroom in shared accommodation, rather than a one bedroom property to themselves.
Some households are allowed an extra bedroom under the size criteria rules:
Foster carers who have had a child placed with them, or have registered as a carer, in the last 12 months
Parents of Armed Forces personnel - while their child is away on duty, their room won't be considered as 'spare' if they intend to return to it
Parents of a disabled child in receipt of middle or high rate care component of Disability Living Allowance (DLA) or Child Disability Payment (Scotland) - if they are unable to share a room with a sibling but would be expected to under normal size criteria rules
When considering whether a child’s disability makes it unreasonable for them to share a bedroom, the factors a local authority should consider include:
Whether the child is currently sharing a bedroom without difficulty;
Whether the frequency and nature of any overnight care causes prolonged and/or repeated disruption to another child;
Whether the nature of the disability increases the likelihood that the child may behave disruptively during the night;
Whether sharing a bedroom poses a risk of physical harm to either child; and
How long the situation is likely to last - to qualify for an extra bedroom, the inability to share would be expected to be long term.
Private tenants
If you are a private tenant and you have made a new claim or moved since 7 April 2008, how much rent can be paid by Housing Benefit will be restricted by the The most help you can get from benefits to pay rent in the private sector. See full definition (LHA).
Your The most help you can get from benefits to pay rent in the private sector. See full definition rate is based on rental prices in your area and the size of property you are entitled to. This might mean that not all of your rent can be paid by Housing Benefit because your rent is considered to be too expensive.
If you are a private tenant, you can visit the LHA Direct website to find out what your The most help you can get from benefits to pay rent in the private sector. See full definition is.
The Turn2us Benefits Calculator can calculate how much Housing Benefit you may be entitled to.
If you and your partner are under 66 and move to a new local authority area you will lose your Housing Benefit, and would have to claim Universal Credit for help with your housing costs. Use our benefits calculator to see how this affects you.
Social tenants
If you rent your home from a Local councils, housing associations or Northern Ireland Housing Executive. See full definition such as the council or a housing association, and you are under 66, your Housing Benefit is not based on rental prices in your area. However, it may be reduced if it's considered you have more bedrooms than you actually need. This rule is known as the 'Social Sector Size Criteria' and is also commonly referred to as the 'Bedroom Tax'.
If your home is considered to be too big for you, the rent amount used to calculate your Housing Benefit will be cut by:
14% if you have one spare bedroom
25% if you have two or more spare bedrooms.
If you are over 66, this size criteria does not affect your claim for Housing Benefit.
If you are living in a Sanctuary Scheme after experiencing domestic violence, you are exempt from the bedroom tax.
Deductions for other adults
If you have other adults living with you who aren’t your partner and do not have to pay rent, they might be treated as your non-dependent. This means that an amount will be taken off your Housing Benefit because this other person is expected to help with the rent.
You won’t have money taken off your Housing Benefit for a non-dependent if:
- You (or your partner) are certified blind or severely sight impaired
- You (or your partner) receive Attendance Allowance, Pension Age Disability Payment (Scotland) the daily living component of Personal Independence Payment (PIP) or Adult Disability Payment (Scotland), the care component of Disability Living Allowance (DLA) or Armed Forces Independence Payment (AFIP).
You also won’t have any money taken off your Housing Benefit for any other adult who:
- Is a full time student; or
- Is under 18; or
- Is under 25 and getting ;
- Universal Credit and isn’t earning anything, or
- income-based Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA), or
- Income Support; or
- Gets Pension Credit.
If money is taken off your Housing Benefit for another adult, how much is taken off depends on the other adult’s earnings. It is important to make sure the council has accurate information about the other adult’s earnings so they can make the right decision about your housing benefit.
Benefit Cap
Housing Benefit is included in the Benefit Cap which limits the total amount in some benefits that working-age people can receive. For those affected, the cap is applied by reducing the amount of Housing Benefit awarded.
See our Benefit Cap guide for more details.
How will I be paid Housing Benefit?
If you are a council tenant, you will not be paid Housing Benefit directly. Instead, it will be taken off the rent you have to pay so you pay less rent or no rent yourself.
If you have a private landlord, you will be paid straight into your bank or building society or through the Payment Exception Service if you are unable to open or manage one of these or a similar account. Sometimes the council can pay your landlord directly.
Housing Benefit is usually paid in arrears every week, two weeks, four weeks or a month, depending on when your rent is usually due.
Housing Benefit and other benefits
Housing Benefit counts in full as income when calculating your entitlement to other Eligibility depends on the amount of income and capital you have. See full definition .
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