Claiming Personal Independence Payment (PIP) - Start your Personal Independence Payment (PIP) claim
A guide for claiming Personal Independence Payment, the different stages of the claim process and what to expect
- Last reviewed 21 May 2024
Start your Personal Independence Payment (PIP) claim
Personal Independence Payment has been replaced for people in Scotland. You can't claim Personal Independence Payment if you live in Scotland. You should claim Adult Disability Payment instead.
To start a claim for Personal Independence Payment (PIP), call the Government department that is responsible for employment and welfare. See full definition to check that you are eligible. You can also check our Turn2us PIP Helper to help you step by step and make sure you have all the information you need.
If you are eligible for PIP, the DWP will offer to send you either an email link to an online form or a paper form. It is up to you which you choose. If you want to get help from an advice organisation on filling out the form, it is a good idea to check with them whether they recommend using a paper or an online form.
When you call, you will be asked for the information in the list below. It is a good idea to have this information ready before you start:
- Your date of birth
- Your address and phone number
- Your national insurance number
- Your bank or building society account details
- Your doctor or health worker’s name
- Dates you’ve been abroad
- Dates you’ve been in a care home or hospital.
England and Wales
In England and Wales, start your PIP claim by calling:
- Telephone 0800 917 2222
- Textphone 0800 917 7777
You can also claim using the Relay UK service if you cannot hear or speak on the phone or use the Video Relay Service for British Sign Language (BSL).
Or write to:
Personal Independence Payment New Claims
Post Handling Site B
WV99 1AH
Northern Ireland
In Northern Ireland, start your PIP claim by calling:
- Telephone 0800 012 1573
- Textphone 0800 587 0937
Or write to:
PO Box 42, Limavady
BT49 4AN
You can also claim using British Sign Language (BSL) or Irish Sign Language (ISL).
Claiming under special rules
If you are Having a disease that will get worse and death can be expected. See full definition , you may be able to claim under special rules. These mean you can automatically get the enhanced daily living component of PIP without filling out the daily living activities part of the claim form or going to a medical assessment.
Special rules do not let you get the mobility component automatically. So you would have to fill out the mobility activities part of the claim form and attend a medical assessment to get the mobility component.
To claim under the special rules, you will need a DS1500 form to be completed by your doctor or another health professional.
Claiming for someone else
You can start the claim for someone else if you are with them when you phone or they are Having a disease that will get worse and death can be expected. See full definition .
You can start the claim for your child if they are getting Disability Living Allowance (DLA), they have just turned 16 years old and they do not have the mental capacity to manage their own money.
When you call the DWP, tell them that you would like to be your child’s appointee. The DWP will arrange a meeting to:
- Check that your child needs an appointee
- Check that you are a suitable appointee
- Complete the BF56 application to become an appointee.
You will only become your child’s appointee if and when you receive the BF57 confirmation letter.
As long as you apply for PIP on time, your child’s DLA will continue until their PIP claim has been decided. You can find out more about what happens when you claim PIP instead of DLA on the When will I move from Disability Living Allowance (DLA) onto Personal Independence Payment (PIP)? page of our PIP guide.
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