Child Disability Payment Scotland - Can I get Child Disability Payment?
Child Disability Payment is a Scottish benefit for children with disabilities.
Can I get Child Disability Payment?
To be entitled to Child Disability Payment, you need to meet the following conditions:
- Be the child's parent or guardian, or be looking after a child who does not live with a parent or guardian
- If the child is Having a disease that will get worse and death can be expected. See full definition , anyone can make an application. The person applying must tell child's parent or guardian they are doing so and get their consent.
The child needs to meet the following conditions:
- Be under 16 - children who started getting Child Disability Payment before the age of 16 can choose to carry on getting it until they turn 18
- Be living in Scotland
- Not be subject to immigration control.
The child must also have needs relating to a disability or health condition (including mental health conditions). It is not necessary for them to have a confirmed diagnosis.
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