
Universal Credit (UC) transitional protection - How much Universal Credit (UC) transitional protection will I get?

Transitional Protection tops up your Universal Credit. It is only available to certain groups.

Last reviewed 08 April 2024

How much Universal Credit (UC) transitional protection will I get?

The amount of Universal Credit transitional protection you get depends on whether you get it because

Managed migration

How much Universal Credit transitional protection you will get will depend on what your income is from the benefits being replaced by Universal Credit.

Your transitional protection amount will top your Universal Credit up so that it matches your previous benefit income to ensure you are not worse off due to the move to Universal Credit.

The amount of transitional protection you are entitled to will go down over time. You can learn more about how it reduces on the 'How long will I get Universal Credit transitional protection' page of this guide.

See also Universal Credit Migration Notice.

Severe Disability Premium transitional protection

How much Severe Disability Premium transitional protection you are entitled to will depend on any other disability premiums you get and your household's circumstances when you claimed Universal Credit.

  • Single, with Limited Capability for Work Related Activity £140.97 per month
  • Single, without Limited Capability for Work Related Activity £334.81 per month
  • Couple, only one person entitled to Severe Disability Premium on legacy benefits, with Limited Capability for Work Related Activity in either partner's name £140.97 per month
  • Couple, only one person entitled to Severe Disability Premium on legacy benefits, without Limited Capability for Work Related Activity in either partner's name £334.81 per month
  • Couple, both entitled to Severe Disability Premium on legacy benefits £475.79 per month 

You can get monthly additional amounts if you are entitled to severe disability premium transitional protection:

  • Single and if you received the enhanced disability premium in your legacy benefits - £89.63
  • Single and if you received the disability premium in your legacy benefits - £183.52
  • Single and if you received the disabled child premium or disabled child element in Child Tax Credit - £188.86 (per child)
  • Could and if you received the enhanced disability premium in your legacy benefits - £128.04
  • Couple and if you received the disability premium in your legacy benefits - £262.48
  • Couple and if you received the disability child premium or disabled child element in Child Tax Credit - £188.86 (per child)

Claimants already getting the transitional severe disability premium element within their Universal Credit, could be eligible for backdated payments if they were also entitled other disability premiums prior to claiming Universal Credit. The Department for Work and Pensions has not yet confirmed how they will process these payments. 

These are the amounts that will be paid when you first start getting Universal Credit. Over time, these amounts will go down. You can learn more about how it reduces on the 'How long will I get Universal Credit transitional protection' page of this guide.


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