
What is the Flexible Support Fund (FSF)?


The Flexible Support Fund (FSF) is a fund offered by local Jobcentres at the discretion of Jobcentre Plus advisers.

The fund was introduced in 2011 to replace previous schemes such as:

  • The Deprived Areas Fund
  • The Adviser Discretion Fund
  • The Travel to Interview Scheme

The purpose of the new scheme is to give Jobcentre Plus Districts, and their adviser’s, more freedom to give support to local need.

There is no exhaustive list of what the FSF can and cannot be awarded for, however you may be able to get help from the fund for help for:

  • Travel expenses
  • Training courses
  • Clothing for interviews

Why haven’t you heard of it before?

A number of organisations are concerned at how little is known about the FSF.

One Jobcentre adviser in Bolton likened the FSF to the illegal boxing clubs in the film Fight Club, in that they don’t talk about it.

This is highlighted by the fact that the budget set aside for FSF has been underspent in every year since it was introduced.

If you believe you may be able to get help from the FSF you should contact your local Jobcentre Plus adviser.