Challenging a Personal Independence Payment (PIP) Decision - Complain about a PIP decision
You may be able to have a decision about Personal Independence Payment (PIP) changed.
- Last reviewed 07 October 2024
Complain about a PIP decision
You can complain about poor service or delays.
You may want to complain if:
- The people dealing with your claim were rude or unhelpful
- You should have had an assessment at home
- It is taking too long to get a decision
- It is taking too long to get a payment
- There is something wrong in the medical report.
If you complain, you may be able to get:
- An apology
- An explanation for what went wrong
- Things done differently in future
- A decision made more quickly
- Some compensation.
Start your complaint
Start your complaint by contacting the Government department that is responsible for employment and welfare. See full definition .
The best way to start a complaint is to write to the DWP. You can use the address at the top of any letter you have about your Personal Independence Payment(PIP).
You can also start a complaint by phoning the DWP. Remember to keep a record of when you call, who you speak to and the reference number for your complaint.
- Telephone: 0800 121 4433
- Textphone: 0800 121 4493
You will need to tell the DWP (in your letter or phone call):
- Your Number used to record your national insurance contributions and tax paid. See full definition
- Your full name, address and contact numbers
- What happened, when it happened and how it affected you
- What you want to happen to put things right.
Initial response
The DWP will phone you to discuss your complaint. If they can’t get through, they will send you a letter.
If you are not happy with the initial response, you can ask that your complaint goes to a senior manager within the Complaints team.
After the senior manager has received your complaint, they will phone you to update you. After they have phoned you, they will deal with the complaint and you will hear from them again within three weeks (or 15 working days).
If you are not happy with the response from the complaint, you can take your complaint to the Independent Case Examiner (ICE), which is separate from the DWP. You can find out how to take a complaint to ICE on the Independent Case Examiner page of the Gov.UK website.
Reviewed: February 2022
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