Child Benefit - How do I challenge a Child Benefit decision?
Child Benefit is money paid to parents or other people who are responsible for bringing up a child.
- Last reviewed 25 October 2024
How do I challenge a Child Benefit decision?
If you disagree with the decision made on your Child Benefit claim, you can ask The Government department that calculates and collects taxes. See full definition to look at the decision again - this is called a Asking for a benefit decision to be looked at again. See full definition . If you still think the decision is wrong, you can appeal to an independent tribunal.
The time limits are strict, you will usually be given one month to dispute a decision, so it is important to seek advice and act quickly. Further information on Challenges and complaints
If you have problems with Child Benefit, you can contact the Child Benefit Helpline on: 0300 200 3100 by telephone or 18001 0300 200 3100 to use Relay UK.
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Support for your child
If you are bringing up a child, there may be benefits, grants or other financial support available to you.