
Carer Support Payment (Scotland) - How do I claim Carer Support Payment?

Carer Support Payment is money for people in Scotland who provide regular care to someone who has a disability.

Last reviewed 06 November 2024

How do I claim Carer Support Payment?

Carer Support Payment is now available throughout all areas in Scotland.

The transfer of existing Carer's Allowance claims to Carer Support Payment for claimants who live in Scotland began on 26 February 2024. If this applies to you, you do not need to take any action as it will be done automatically.

If you are waiting to hear if the person you care for is getting a qualifying disability benefit, you should still make a claim.

You can apply Carer Support Payment:

  • apply using the online form
  • on the phone 
  • in person
  • by post

Visit Social Security Scotland website for more information on how to apply Carer Support Payment.

What documents do I need to claim Carer Support Payment?

  • If you are working – the payslip immediately before the period you want to claim from and any received since
  • If you are self employed – the most recent finalised accounts for your business
  • Your bank or building society details
  • Details of the person you care for

Backdating your payment

You may be eligible for a backdated payment. 

You can ask for your Carer Support Payment to be backdated to 19 November 2023. This depends on if you've provided care for 35 hours or more a week from that date. You can ask this when you're applying. 

You may be able to backdate your Carer Support Payment further than 19 November 2023 if the person you provide for:

  • was awarded their disability benefit in the last 3 months, and they
  • backdated their disability award to a start date before 19 November 2023 

If you want to backdate further than 19 November 2023, you need to apply on the phone. 

How backdating can affect your other benefits

If you get means-tested benefits and get a backdated award of Carer Support Payment, this will affect how much you get from . Make sure you report any backdated payments you will be getting so that you're paid correct amount and avoid overpayment.  


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