Turn2us Advisers User Guide - Key features of adviser accounts
- Last reviewed 01 September 2023

Key features of adviser accounts
There are features that are only available to people who have an adviser account. Advisers can access the My Turn2us area of the website.
Benefits Calculator
Manage Clients and Calculations
You can search for an existing client; add a new client or update/change client details. View and download previous client calculations (made less than six months ago).
What-if scenarios
Sometimes your client will want to know how their income will be affected by changes of circumstances.
You can now create and save unlimited calculations and compare up to six calculations (scenarios) per client. You can find out which scenario gives the client the most income by using our comparison graph and table tool.
Grants Search
Some charitable funds on Turn2us Grants Search can only be accessed via an application from an adviser. These funds do not appear on the public part of the Grants Search. However, registered advisers who have a My Turn2us account can view this information when logged in.
Confidentiality and data protection
All personal details are held in the strictest confidence and in line with our Turn2us Website Privacy Policy.
Our website uses an SSL certificate which makes sure that there is an encrypted connection between the web browser and the server. This means that any personal information that's entered on the website is encrypted when being transferred to the web server.
We have carried out penetration testing where we get a third party company to attempt to hack the website. They report back if there are any vulnerabilities in the site (which there are none).
Passwords are all encrypted within our database which means that even if someone were to access the database, they would not be able to read someone's password.
Protection against cyber attacks/hackers
We have a firewall on our web server which is designed to inspect incoming traffic, weed out any malicious attacks and provides a first line of defence between a potential hacker and the data that we are hosting.
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