Claiming Personal Independence Payment (PIP) - When do Personal Independence Payment (PIP) payments start?
A guide for claiming Personal Independence Payment, the different stages of the claim process and what to expect
- Last reviewed 01 February 2023
When do Personal Independence Payment (PIP) payments start?
Your Personal Independence Payment (PIP) will start being paid after you receive your decision letter. Your decision letter tells you whether you qualify for PIP and how much you will get. Your PIP will be backdated to the date when you made the PIP claim, so you are likely to get a lump sum back payment.
This lump sum payment can be very large. The DWP might contact you and offer to pay it in instalments. This can be helpful if you have difficulty managing money. However, it is your choice whether you want the money as a lump sum or in instalments.
PIP is usually paid every four weeks.
Paid to you
PIP is paid directly into your bank or building society account. If you don’t have an account, you can get your PIP through the Payment Exception Service.
Paid to someone else
If you qualify for the enhanced rate of the mobility component and you use the Motability scheme to hire a vehicle or mobility scooter, some or all of your mobility component will go directly to Motability.
Depending on how much it costs to lease your vehicle, you may have to pay Motability extra on top of your mobility component or Motability may get some of your mobility component and you will get the rest.
If you are an appointee for someone claiming PIP, for example you claimed PIP on behalf of your disabled child, their PIP will be paid into your account.
As an appointee, you have responsibility for the claim. That means you make decisions about how the money is spent, which must be in the best interests of the person who the benefit is for.
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