Attendance Allowance - Can I get Attendance Allowance?
Attendance Allowance is money for people of pension age who have care needs because of physical or mental disability
- Last reviewed 19 September 2023
Can I get Attendance Allowance?
To get Attendance Allowance, you must usually have had care needs for at least six months.
You must not be living in a council-funded care home or in hospital.
You must be living in the UK when you make a claim for Attendance Allowance and the UK must be where you normally live. Also you must usually have lived in the UK for 104 of the past 156 weeks (two years out of the past three).
There are special rules for some people who are living in, or have returned from, a European Economic Area country. The rules can be complicated, so if this applies to you, we recommend that you read our guide on Migrants or seek advice from a benefits expert. You can use the Turn2us Find an Adviser tool to find a local one.
Rules for people who have a terminal illness
If your doctors say that you are Having a disease that will get worse and death can be expected. See full definition and reasonably expected to die within twelve months, there are special rules to help you get the highest rate of Attendance Allowance straight away. You do not have to have had care needs for six months before you claim. You also do not have to meet the past presence test.
You will need to ask your doctor/healthcare professional for a form called SR1 and fill in the special rules section of the Attendance Allowance claim form.
Another person, such as your partner, relative or friend, can apply for Attendance Allowance on your behalf without your knowledge under the special rules. However, even if someone else makes the claim for you, the money will be paid to you.
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