Full time students and benefits - Further Information
Find out more about the definition of a full-time student for benefit purposes and whether you can claim any benefits or tax credits
- Last reviewed 23 December 2024
Further Information
Students and benefits is a complex area. Advice should always be sought from an experienced specialist adviser or student service.
You can seek advice in your local area by using our Find an Adviser tool and you can also obtain assistance from the organisations listed below.
Student Advice Services/ Welfare Office at Colleges/Universities
Most universities and colleges will have a student advice/welfare service. The university offices normally provide advice on a range of issues including housing, benefits and student financial support. Students may also be able to access 'Hardship Payments' through student support offices. Services offered by colleges maybe more limited.
Disabled Students Helpline
Disability Rights UK run a free specialist helpline to advise and support disabled people aged over 16 in England, who are studying or wish to study full-time or part-time.
Tel: 0330 995 0414 (Tues and Thurs 11.00 – 13.00) Email: students@disabilityrightsuk.org
General information is also provided to disabled students in Scotland and Wales.
Lead Scotland provide a helpline for disabled students in Scotland. Tel: 0800 999 2568 email: info@lead.org.uk
If you live in the North of Ireland, you can get in touch with Disability Action on 0800 915 4604. They provide information and advice to disabled students on a range of issues.
GOV.UK website - Student Finance
Detailed information on financial support for students can be accessed from the GOV.UK website.
National Apprenticeship Helpline
The helpline provides guidance on accessing apprenticeships and related issues. You can obtain further information from the Gov.UK website
Tel: 0800 015 0400 or 0247 682 6482 Email: nationalhelpdesk@apprenticeships.gov.uk
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