
Carer's Allowance - How do I claim Carer's Allowance?

Carer's Allowance is money for people who provide regular care to someone who has a disability.

Last reviewed 03 September 2024

How do I claim Carer's Allowance?

If you are waiting to hear if the person you care for is getting a qualifying disability benefit, you should still make a claim.

England, Scotland and Wales

Online Claim

You can claim Carer's Allowance online

Paper Claim

You can download a claim form

Northern Ireland

Online claim

You can claim Carer's Allowance online (Northern Ireland)

Paper Claim

Phone the Disability and Carers Service for a claim form:

Telephone: 0800 587 0912
Textphone: 0800 012 1574

or you can download a form

What documents will I need to claim Carer’s Allowance?

You must send the following documents to support your claim:

  • If you are working – the payslip immediately before the period you want to claim from and any received since

  • If you are self employed – the most recent finalised accounts for your business

If you do not have this evidence, you should not delay claiming.

When will my Carer’s Allowance claim begin?

A Carer’s Allowance claim will begin from the date the claim form is received by the benefit office or submitted online.

A Carer’s Allowance claim can be backdated for up to three months before this date if you would have been entitled to it earlier. It does not matter why your claim is late. Request this when claiming.

You can also make a claim for Carer’s Allowance up to three months before you qualify. Claiming it in advance could be helpful if you currently earn over £151 a week, but plan to reduce your hours or stop working.

Change of circumstances

You must report changes in your circumstances which might affect your entitlement to this benefit.

You can report changes in your circumstances online:

You can also report a change of circumstances by phone:

England, Scotland and Wales

  • Telephone: 0800 731 0297
  • Textphone: 0800 731 0317
  • Relay UK: 18001 then 0800 731 0297

Northern Ireland

  • Telephone: 0800 587 0912
  • Textphone: 0800 012 1574
  • Irish Sign Language (ISL) video relay service and British Sign Language (BSL) video relay service


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