
Hardship Payments - How much can I get from Employment and Support Allowance hardship payments?

Hardship Payments are reduced-rate payments of Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA), Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) and Universal Credit (UC) that are made in limited circumstances, including if you have been sanctioned.

Last reviewed 17 January 2025

How much can I get from Employment and Support Allowance hardship payments?

How much hardship payment you can get depends on your circumstances.

If you or someone in your household is pregnant or very seriously ill, you can get 80% of your usual entitlement to ESA. This is £72.40 per week.

Otherwise, you can get 60% of your usual ESA. This is £54.30 per week.

If you qualify for a Hardship Payment, you will get the payment in addition to any other amounts of ESA that you can be paid despite the sanction. Working this out can be difficult because there are lots of different components and premiums that can be paid with ESA. 

If you have received an ESA sanction, you should always seek advice before making a Hardship Payment claim to ensure that you are receiving the correct rates of payment that you are entitled to.

You do not have to pay back an ESA Hardship Payment. However, this may change in the future so always check with your Jobcentre Plus office before submitting a claim.


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