First Tier Tribunal appeals process - How to start an appeal to the First Tier Tribunal
If you appeal against a benefit or tax credit decision a First Tier Tribunal will deal with your appeal. This guide goes through the process of what happens after your appeal is received.
- Last reviewed 10 January 2025
How to start an appeal to the First Tier Tribunal
If you are in England and Wales and are appealing against a decision by the Government department that is responsible for employment and welfare. See full definition or HMRC, you start can start your appeal by filling in a form online on the GOV.UK website.
If you are in Scotland and are appealing against a decision by the DWP or HMRC, you can fill in a form online on the GOV.UK website.
If you are in Scotland and are appealing against a decision by Social Security Scotland (for example on a Child Disability Payment or Adult Disability Payment claim), you can fill in the form that came with your redetermination letter, or you can call 0800 182 2222.
If you are in Northern Ireland and are appealing against a decision about social security benefits, you can download the social security appeals form from the NI Direct website. You will need to print it out and post it to the address on the form.
If you are in Northern Ireland and are appealing against a decision about tax credits or child benefit, you can download the HMRC appeals form from the NI Direct website. You will need to print it out and post it to the address on the form.
If you are appealing against a decision by your council on your Housing Benefit, you send your request for an appeal to your council and they will then send it on to the independent tribunal.
If you are in Northern Ireland and are appealing against a Housing Benefit decision, you send your request for an appeal to your local NI Housing Benefit office. This can be done in writing, by email or over the phone.
If you are appealing against a decision on your Council Tax Support, you should use our guide on the Valuation Tribunal.
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