A-Z of Benefits
Find welfare benefits and grants information that is relevant to you or the person you are supporting.
Use the A-Z of benefits if you know the name of the benefit you want to find out about.
Adoption pay - Statutory
If you adopt a child you may qualify for Statutory Adoption Pay during your adoption leave from work.
Adult Disability Payment and Other Help
Other help you can get when you're getting Adult Disability Payment.
Adult Disability Payment Scotland
Adult Disability Payment is a new benefit for adults with disabilities who live in Scotland.
Apprenticeships and Benefits
An apprenticeship is a type of employment where you get paid time to do training and which leads at the end of the apprenticeship to a qualification.
Armed Forces Compensation Scheme
The Armed Forces Compensation Scheme provides financial help if you have an illness or injury caused by service in the Armed Forces on or after 6 April 2005.
Armed Forces Independence Payment
The Armed Forces Independence Payment provides financial support to seriously injured service personnel and veterans.
Armed Forces/Veteran - Your Situation
If you are a serving member of the Armed Forces or a veteran, there may be benefits, grants or other financial support available to you and your family.
Asylum Seeker
Find out what help you might be able to get as someone seeking asylum in the UK..
Attendance Allowance
Attendance Allowance is money for people of pension age who have care needs because of physical or mental disability.
Back to School
If you have school-aged children, you might be able to access financial support with back-to-school costs.
Benefit Cap
The Benefit Cap is a limit to the total amount in some benefits that working-age people can get.
Benefit Changes Timetable
Planned changes to the benefits system. This guide is updated every two months.
Benefit Overpayment
Guide to Benefits Overpayments, what they are, why they happen and what you should do if you have been overpaid.
Bereaved - Your Situation
If you are recently bereaved, there may be benefits, grants or other financial support available to you.
Bereavement Support Payment
Bereavement Support Payment is paid to widows, widowers, surviving civil partners or cohabiting partners.
Best Start Foods (Scotland only)
Best Start Foods is a Scottish government scheme to help pregnant people and young children afford healthy food.
Best Start Grant (Scotland only)
The Best Start Grant is a set of grants offered to support people living in Scotland to help with the expenses of having a young child.
Bringing up a child - Your Situation
If you are bringing up a child, there may be benefits, grants or other financial support available to you.
Budgeting Loan decisions - Challenging
Your options if you think a Budgeting Loan decision is wrong.
Budgeting Loan/Advance
A Budgeting Loan is extra money on top of your benefits to help pay for certain essentials.You have to pay back a Budgeting Loan.
Care homes and benefits
When you or a member of your family go to live in a care home, the benefits you get may change.
Care leavers and benefits
There are special rules about being able to get benefits when you are aged 16 or 17 and you are a ‘care leaver’. Read our guide to benefits for care leavers.
Carer - Your Situation
If you are a carer for someone who has an illness or disability, there may be benefits, grants or other financial support available to you.
Carer Support Payment (Scotland)
Carer Support Payment is money for people in Scotland who provide regular care to someone who has a disability.
Carers - Help from the local council
As a carer, you have the right to have your own needs assessed by your local council.
Carers - travel costs
If you are disabled or are a carer you may be entitled to help with transport costs.
Carer's Allowance
Carer's Allowance is money for people who provide regular care to someone who has a disability.
Carer's Credit
Carer's Credits helps carers fill gaps in their national insurance record to help them qualify for the State Pension and other benefits.
Challenges and Complaints - Benefits and Tax Credits
Discover the steps you can take if you are unhappy with a benefit or tax credit decision.
Challenging a Budgeting Loan decision
Your options if you think a Budgeting Loan decision is wrong.
Challenging a Child Benefit or Guardian's Allowance decision
If you think a Child Benefit or Guardian's Allowance decision is wrong, you may be able to get it changed.
Challenging a Council Tax Support decision
Find out more about Challenging a Council Tax Support decision.
Challenging a Housing Benefit decision
If you think a Housing Benefit decision is wrong, you may be able to get it changed.
Challenging a Personal Independence Payment decision
You may be able to have a decision about Personal Independence Payment (PIP) changed. Options for challenging a PIP decision.
Challenging a Tax Credit decision
If you think a tax credit decision is wrong, you may be able to get the decision changed.
Challenging an Employment and Support Allowance decision
This guide takes you through your options if you think an Employment and Support Allowance decision is wrong.
Challenging Department for Work and Pensions benefit decisions
If you think a Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) benefit decision is wrong, you may be able to get it changed.
Child Benefit
Child Benefit is money paid to parents or other people who are responsible for bringing up a child.
Child Disability Payment Scotland
Child Disability Payment is a Scottish benefit for children with disabilities.
Child Tax Credit
Child Tax Credit is paid to help people with the costs of bringing up a child. It is being replaced by Universal Credit so only some people can still claim Child Tax Credit.
Childcare Costs - Help with
Read our guide to the help that is available with childcare costs if you are working, studying or starting to work or study.
Claiming Benefits
Benefits and tax credits are payments from the government to certain people on low incomes, or to meet specific needs. Read our guide to find out more about them and how to claim.
Cold Weather Payment
A Cold Weather Payment is money to help with fuel costs when the weather is very cold.
Complaints about your claim
This guide explains how to complain about your benefit claim - and when you should use a different process to get the outcome you want.
Cost of Living Help
Struggling to pay bills and other everyday costs of living? Find out what help may be available to you through benefits, grants and other sources of support.
Council Tax Discounts
Council Tax discounts don’t depend on your income or savings. Council Tax discounts depend on who lives in your home.
Council Tax Support/Reduction
Council Tax Support provides help for people on low incomes with their Council Tax bill.
Debt - Your Situation
Find help available through benefits, grants and debt advice services.
Department for Work and Pensions decisions - Challenging
If you think a Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) benefit decision is wrong, you may be able to get it changed.
Disability Living Allowance
Disability Living Allowance (DLA) is a benefit for people with disabilities.
Disability Living Allowance - children
Disability Living Allowance is money for children who have care needs or mobility needs (difficulty getting around).
Disabled Facilities Grants (England, Wales, Northern Ireland)
You may be able to get a Disabled Facilities Grant from your local authority for work to your home.
Disabled, ill or injured - Help from the local council
If you have an illness or a disability, you may need help to continue living at home. These services can be provided by your local council.
Disabled, ill or injured - travel costs
If you are disabled or are a carer you may be entitled to help with transport costs.
Disabled, ill or injured - Your Situation
If you are ill, injured or are disabled, there may be benefits, grants or other financial support available to you.
Discretionary Assistance Fund
The Discretionary Assistance Fund (DAF) provides grants to people in Wales. Grants do not need to be paid back.
Discretionary Housing Payment
Discretionary Housing Payment is a extra payment which can help towards housing costs.
Education Maintenance Allowance (Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland)
Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) is extra money for students aged 16-19 in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Emergency Information
You might find yourself caught short of money and need help with essentials like food or paying your bills. Please look at the range of support options we discuss in this guide.
Employment and Support Allowance
Employment and Support Allowance is money for people who have illnesses or disabilities that make it hard for them to work.
Employment and Support Allowance decisions - Challenging
This guide takes you through your options if you think an Employment and Support Allowance decision is wrong.
Employment and Support Allowance: Permitted Work
Find out more about Permitted Work under Employment and Support Allowance.
Energy and Water (Struggling with Bills) - Your Situation
Struggling with Energy and Water Bills If you are struggling with energy and/or water bills, there may be benefits, grants or other financial support available to you.
Energy schemes
If you are struggling to pay your energy bills, find out about the help you can get.
European Union (EU) Settled Status Scheme
The EU Settled Status scheme is the scheme to protect EEA citizens' rights in the UK now the UK has left the European Union.
Evictions: Where to go for information and advice
If you are worried about being evicted from your home, you should seek advice from a housing expert as soon as possible.
Expecting a child - Your Situation
If you are expecting a child through birth or adoption, there may be benefits, grants or other financial support available to you.
First Tier Tribunal appeals process
If you appeal against a benefit or tax credit decision a First Tier Tribunal will deal with your appeal. This guide goes through the process of what happens after your appeal is received.
Flexible Support Fund (FSF)
The Flexible Support Fund, available across the UK through your local Jobcentre/Jobs and Benefits Office advisor or work coach, may be able to help you with extra costs associated with getting into and starting work.
Food (England, Wales, Northern Ireland) - Expecting or Bringing Up a Child
If you are pregnant or have a child under four years old and live in England, Wales or Northern Ireland, you could get Healthy Start Vouchers to help buy some basic foods.
Food (Scotland) - Expecting or Bringing up a Child
Best Start Foods is a Scottish government scheme to help pregnant people and young children afford healthy food.
Food: I don't have enough to eat
If you are struggling to afford enough food to eat, you may be able to get help from a food bank.
Foster Carers and Benefits
The guide covers people who are approved foster carers for either a local authority or a registered charity.
Fraud Investigations
The DWP applies strict rules to stop fraud. If you have been accused of fraud, check what you need to do next.
Free school meals
Schools must provide some pupils with a free midday meal. This page explains who qualifies for this and how to apply.
Full time students and benefits
Find out more about the definition of a full-time student for benefit purposes and whether you can claim any benefits or tax credits.
Funeral costs
Funerals can be expensive but help may be available if you can't afford to pay.
Funeral Payment
If you need help to pay for a funeral, you may be eligible for help through a Funeral Payment.
Funeral Support Payment - Scotland
A Funeral Support Payment can help cover funeral costs for people who need to pay for a funeral and who live in Scotland and receive certain benefits.
Getting into work guide
Looking for work or working? See what help you may be able to get through national and local employment services and schemes.
Guardian's Allowance
If you look after a child who is not your own you may be entitled to Guardian's Allowance.
Guardian's Allowance decisions - Challenging
If you think a Child Benefit or Guardian's Allowance decision is wrong, you may be able to get it changed.
Habitual Residence Test
Many benefits require you to satisfy, or be exempt from, the Habitual Residence Test.
Hardship Payments
Hardship Payments are reduced-rate payments of Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA), Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) and Universal Credit (UC) that are made in limited circumstances, including if you have been sanctioned.
Health costs help
Find out more about how to get help with health costs.
Healthy Start Food Vouchers (England, Wales and Northern Ireland)
If you are pregnant or have a child under four years old and live in England, Wales or Northern Ireland, you could get Healthy Start Vouchers to help buy some basic foods.
Hospital and benefits
When you or someone in your family go into or come out of hospital, the benefits you get may change.
Housing Benefit (England, Scotland and Wales)
Housing Benefit is money to help you with your housing costs if you are on a low income. It can help with rent and some service charges.
Housing Benefit (Northern Ireland)
Housing Benefit is money to help you with your housing costs if you are on a low income. It can help with rent and some service charges.
Housing Benefit decisions - Challenging
If you think a Housing Benefit decision is wrong, you may be able to get it changed.
Housing costs - Your Situation
If you are struggling with housing costs, there may be benefits, grants or other financial support available to you.
I can't heat my home - Your situation
This guide covers what you can do if you cannot heat your home.
Immigration - Your Situation
The information in this section can apply to you if you are a European national or a national of another country.
Immigration status and Benefits
Find out if your, your partner's or your child's immigration status excludes you from benefits.
In work and on a low income
If you are in work but on a low income, there may be benefits, grants or other financial support available to you.
Income Support
Income Support helps people who do not have enough to live on. It is only available for certain groups of people.
Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit
Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit (IIDB) is for people who are disabled because of an accident at work, or who have certain diseases caused by their work.
Job Start Payment - Scotland
Payments for young people in Scotland moving into work.
Jobseeker's Allowance
Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA) is for people who are not in full time work, and can and want to work.
Jobseeker's Allowance Sanctions
Jobseeker's Allowance can be stopped or reduced if you don't follow your Jobseeker's agreement.
Legacy Benefit
A legacy benefit is a benefit which is being replaced by Universal Credit. There are six legacy benefits.
Maternity Allowance
Maternity Allowance is a weekly payment for some women who are pregnant or have recently given birth..
Maternity Grant - Sure Start (England, Wales and Northern Ireland only)
A Sure Start Maternity Grant is a one-off payment to help with the costs of having a new baby.
Maternity Pay - Statutory
Statutory Maternity Pay is a weekly payment for women who are on maternity leave from work.
Mortgage - help to repay mortgages
If you are finding it difficult to pay your mortgage, there might be help available.
National insurance contributions (NIC)
National insurance is a tax on your earnings. This guide covers some basic information about NIC.
Overlapping Benefits
Information about the rules which make sure you can only be paid one earnings replacement benefit at a time..
Overpayment of Benefits
Guide to Benefits Overpayments, what they are, why they happen and what you should do if you have been overpaid.
Overpayment of Tax Credits
Information on tax credit overpayments and what to do if you think you have been overpaid.
Overpayments under the Universal Credit System
Read our guide to overpayments under the Universal Credit system and what to do about them.
Part time students and benefits
Find out more about the definition of a part-time student for benefit purposes and whether you can claim any benefits.
Paternity Pay - Statutory
If your partner is having a child or you are adopting, you may be able to get Statutory Paternity Pay.
Payment Exception Service
The Payment Exception Service is a way to pay benefits to people who cannot use bank, building society, credit union or Post Office card accounts.
Pension and retirement - Your Situation
If you are an older person, find out what help may be available to you from benefits, grants and other resources.
Pension - Basic State
Basic State Pension is money paid to people who reached state pension age before 6 April 2016.
Pension - New State
New State Pension is money paid to people who reach State Pension age on or after 6 April 2016.
Pension - State Pension Age Changes
State Pension age is the earliest age at which you can get your State Pension. The age for men and women is changing. Read this guide to find out more.
Pension Credit
Pension Credit is extra money for low income pensioners to bring their weekly income up to a minimum amount.
Personal Independence Payment
Personal Independence Payment (PIP) is money for people who have extra care or mobility needs as a result of a disability.
Personal Independence Payment - Claiming
A guide for claiming Personal Independence Payment, the different stages of the claim process and what to expect.
Personal Independence Payment and Other Help
Other help you can get when you're getting Personal Independence Payment.
Personal Independence Payment Assessment
A guide to the Personal Independence Payment (PIP) test, what the activities are and what you can score points for
Personal Independence Payment decisions - Challenging
You may be able to have a decision about Personal Independence Payment (PIP) changed.
Presence and Residence Tests
To get most benefits you have to be present in the UK and pass tests regarding your residency. This guide explains more about this.
Prison - Your Situation
If you are a prisoner, on remand or on release, there may be benefits, grants or other financial support available to you and your family.
Prisoners - Partner in prison
If your partner is in prison you may be eligible for benefits to help you financially.
Prisoners on release
This guide tells you what benefits you can get if you are on release from prison.
Prisoners on remand
Check what benefits you can get if you are a prisoner on remand.
Prisoners serving a sentence
Check how to manage your benefits if you're a prisoner serving a sentence.
Redundancy - Your Situation
Being made redundant can feel stressful and frightening. Here are a few simple steps you can follow.
Refugees and others in the UK for protection
In most cases you will be able to claim benefits if you have refugee leave or other leave to be in the UK because the UK government has accepted it is not safe for you to be in the country where you used to live.
Right to Reside
If you are a migrant to the UK, find out what help might be available to you.
Scotland: Child Disability Payment
Child Disability Payment is a Scottish benefit for children with disabilities.
Scottish Child Payment
The Scottish Child Payment is a payment for families with children living in Scotland.
Scottish Welfare Fund
The Scottish Welfare Fund can give grants to people on low incomes living in Scotland.
Self employment and benefits
If you or your partner are working, or thinking of starting work, as a self employed person you might qualify for welfare benefits to top up your income.
Severe Disability Premium
A Severe Disability Premium is an extra amount that is included in some means-tested benefits to help with the cost of disability.
Shared Parental Leave and Pay
If you and your partner are expecting a child, you can choose to share some of your parental leave and pay.
Short Term Benefit Advance
A Short-Term Benefit Advance is paid as a loan, which has to be paid back out of your future benefit payments.
State Pension age changes
State Pension age is the earliest age at which you can get your State Pension. The age for men and women is changing. Read this guide to find out more.
State Retirement Pension
New State Pension is money paid to people who reach State Pension age on or after 6 April 2016.
Statutory Adoption Pay
If you adopt a child you may qualify for Statutory Adoption Pay during your adoption leave from work.
Statutory Maternity Pay
Statutory Maternity Pay is a weekly payment for women who are on maternity leave from work.
Statutory Paternity Pay
If your partner is having a child or you are adopting, you may be able to get Statutory Paternity Pay.
Statutory Sick Pay
Statutory Sick Pay is money paid to you by your employer if you are sick and unable to work.
Student Support
Students in universities and colleges of higher education may be able to get help with tuition fees, the costs of their course and their living expenses by getting student support in the form of student grants (including bursaries) or loans from the Government.
Studying - Your Situation
If you are in higher or further education, find out what help may be available to you through benefits, grants or other financial support.
Supplementary Payment (Northern Ireland)
Welfare supplementary payment if you're affected by the benefit cap.
Support for Mortgage Interest Loan
Support for Mortgage Interest Loan helps towards paying the interest payments on your mortgage.
Sure Start Maternity Grant (England, Wales and Northern Ireland only)
A Sure Start Maternity Grant is a one-off payment to help with the costs of having a new baby.
Surplus Earnings Rule
Find out how surplus earnings rule can affect your Universal Credit.
Tax Credits decisions - Challenging
If you think a tax credit decision is wrong, you may be able to get the decision changed.
Tax Credits Overpayment
Information on tax credit overpayments and what to do if you think you have been overpaid.
Terminal Illness
If you are terminally ill or someone you know is, there may be benefits, grants or other support available to you.
Travel costs: People with disabilities and carers
If you are disabled or are a carer you may be entitled to help with transport costs.
TV and Telephone costs
Find out more about the help that may be available to pay for TV licensing, telephone and broadband costs, depending on your situation.
Universal Credit
Universal Credit is a means-tested benefit for people of working-age who are on a low income.
Universal Credit - How to Claim
This guide will walk you through making a Universal Credit claim.
Universal Credit - When to start your claim
Read our guide to when to start your Universal Credit claim.
Universal Credit - Work Capability Assessment
Find out what work capability assessment is and what activities are relevant to it.
Universal Credit Advance
You can request an Advance Payment of Universal Credit to help you through the five week wait for your first payment.
Universal Credit housing costs element
Universal Credit (UC) housing costs element can help with rent and some service charges.
Universal Credit income and capital
This guide explains the rules relating to income and capital for Universal Credit (UC).
Universal Credit Sanctions
Read our guide to Universal Credit Sanctions.
Universal Credit System and Overpayments
Read our guide to overpayments under the Universal Credit system and what to do about them.
Universal Credit transitional protection
Transitional Protection tops up your Universal Credit. It is only available to certain groups.
War Pensions Scheme
The War Pensions Scheme provides financial help for people with an illness or injury caused by service in the UK Armed Forces before 6 April 2005.
Warm Home Discount (England, Scotland, Wales)
If you are struggling to pay your energy bills over winter, find out about the help you can get.
Water schemes
If you are struggling to pay water bills, find out about the various schemes and grants that may be available to help towards the cost of water.
Widowed Parent's Allowance
Widowed Parent's Allowance is a benefit for people who were bereaved before 6 April 2017 and have a dependent child.
Winter Fuel Payment
A Winter Fuel Payment is a one-off, tax-free payment made to households with someone over pension age.
Work - Getting into
Looking for work or working? See what help may be available to you through national and local employment services and schemes.
Work - Starting or looking for
If you are unemployed (or working less than 16 hours a week) and are looking for work, there may be benefits, grants or other financial support available to you.
Work & Unemployment
Information about help available if you are in work but on a low income, facing redundancy, or looking for work.
Work Capability Assessment
The Work Capability Assessment is used to decide whether or not you are fit for work for ESA and Universal Credit.
Working hours: benefits rules
Benefit entitlement can depend on how many hours of paid work you do per week.
Working Tax Credit
Working Tax Credit is money to help working people who are on a low income.
Young Carer Grant - Scotland
The Young Carer Grant is money for young carers who live in Scotland.
Young People (16-18) and Benefits
If you are aged under 18, there may be extra rules to meet to get benefits.
Young person (aged 16-18 years) - Your Situation
If you are a young person, in some circumstances, there may be benefits, grants or other financial support available to you.