
Claiming Personal Independence Payment (PIP) - Get Personal Independence Payment (PIP) documents

A guide for claiming Personal Independence Payment, the different stages of the claim process and what to expect

Last reviewed 03 April 2024

Get Personal Independence Payment (PIP) documents

You might want to get documents to put with your claim for Personal Independence Payment (PIP). You can read this guide or check our Turn2us PIP Helper to understand how to gather evidence.

You don’t have to put papers with your PIP claim (unless you are claiming under special rules because you are ). You can send them any time before the makes a decision on your claim. 

The more evidence you give of how your disability affects your everyday life, the easier it will be for the DWP to make the right decision about your claim.

If you want to put supporting evidence in your claim, these are good papers to include:

  • Medical records
  • Sick notes
  • Prescriptions
  • Diary of daily routine
  • Letters from medical professionals
  • Letters from other professionals
  • Letters from other people who help you.

It can take a long time to get medical records or letters. Ask for them as soon as you can, so they are ready to send in with your claim form. There is normally only five or six weeks between your phone call to start the claim and the date you have to return your form by.

If you can, make a copy of your documents. Keep one for yourself and one to send with your claim form. It is also a good idea to write your national insurance number on each sheet you send, in case it gets separated from the rest of your claim after the DWP receives it.

If you do an online form, you will be able to upload digital copies of your evidence as part of the form. 

Medical records

You can ask your doctor or GP for a copy of your medical records. You should not need to pay for them. If your GP is charging for access to your medical records, speak to the Information Commissioner's Office.

If you are claiming under the special rules because you are , ask your doctor for a SR1 form (which replaces the old DS1500 form).

Diary of daily routine

You can make a diary to show how your disability affects you in day-to-day life. Keep a very detailed diary for at least one day to show how long everyday things take you and how you do them differently because of your disability. Check our Turn2us PIP Helper to download a diary template. 

Letters from medical professionals

You can include letters from any medical professionals you deal with. Medical professionals include the consultant you see at hospital, your community psychiatric nurse (CPN), your GP, health visitor, nurse, occupational therapist, physiotherapist, psychiatrist or your psychologist. 

You may want to include letters you have already received and/or ask your medical professional for a letter to support your claim. They can say what your condition is, how it affects your everyday life and what your treatment is. If you can’t find medical letters you already had, you can ask your doctor for a copy.

Letters from other professionals

Letters from another professional who helps you, like your healthcare assistant (HCA), social worker, support worker or a teacher, can also be helpful. They can say how your condition affects your everyday life.

Letters from people who help you

Letters from any friends or family who you rely on are helpful too. They can say how they help you and what would happen if they weren’t there to help you. It is important that anyone writing a letter like this includes their address, the date of the letter and their signature.


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