Universal Credit Advance - How do I claim a Universal Credit Advance?
You can request an Advance Payment of Universal Credit to help you through the five week wait for your first payment.
- Last reviewed 11 December 2023
How do I claim a Universal Credit Advance?
You can request an Advance Payment by:
- Speaking to your Jobcentre Plus work coach
- Universal Credit online journal if you have an online account
- Calling the Universal Credit Helpline:
- Telephone 0800 328 5644
- Textphone 0800 328 1344
When requesting an Advance, you will be asked to provide your bank details so the Government department that is responsible for employment and welfare. See full definition can arrange a payment if an Advance is agreed.
If you are claiming an Advance on a new claim for Universal Credit, you can only claim it if you are within your first A monthly period starting on the day you first make your Universal Credit claim. See full definition .
You will usually be told the same day if you can receive the Advance Payment.
When can I claim a Universal Credit Advance
You claim a Universal Credit Advance when:
- You first claim Universal Credit
- You are waiting for your first payment of Universal Credit
- You have just reported a change of circumstance to the DWP, which increases your entitlement but you are waiting for the increase to be paid.
If you are asking for an advance because of a change of circumstances, you might have to show you are in 'financial need', which means you can't afford the things you need to keep you and your family safe and healthy.
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