Full time students and benefits - Can full-time students get Housing Benefit?
Find out more about the definition of a full-time student for benefit purposes and whether you can claim any benefits or tax credits
- Last reviewed 23 December 2024
Can full-time students get Housing Benefit?
Most people cannot make new claims for Housing Benefit. If you already have a claim for Housing Benefit, it is possible you might be able to continue getting it while you study. Otherwise, any help with housing costs will be paid through Universal Credit and you will have to satisfy the eligibility tests for Universal Credit.
Housing Benefit
If you are a full-time student who is already getting Housing Benefit, you can continue to get Housing Benefit as a student if you meet one of the following conditions (these conditions also apply if you are a full-time student who falls into one of the groups who can still make new claims for Housing Benefit):
You receive Income Support (IS) or income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA) or income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
You are a lone parent or a member of a couple who are responsible for a child and you are both full-time students
You are a lone foster carer with a child formally placed with you by a local authority or voluntary agency
You receive Disability Living Allowance (DLA), Child Disability Payment (Scotland), Personal Independence Payment (PIP), Adult Disability Payment Scotland or Attendance Allowance, Pension Age Disability Payment (Scotland), the disability or severe disability element of Working Tax Credit or a War Pensioner’s Disability Supplement
You or your partner are registered blind
You have been unable to work due to sickness or disability for at least 28 weeks
You qualify for a Disabled Student’s Allowance because you are deaf
You take time out from your course because of illness or caring responsibilities in certain circumstances (see Time out from study within this guide)
You are under 21 on a non-advanced course - age can sometimes be extended to 22
You are over 66 and neither you nor your partner are getting Income Support, income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA) or income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA). If you qualify for guaranteed Pension Credit, you will receive maximum entitlement to Housing Benefit.
If you are under 66 and receive student support, in the form of a grant or loan, this will usually reduce the amount of Housing Benefit you can get. Unless you also get Income Support, income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA) or income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA), in which case you will automatically receive your maximum entitlement to Housing Benefit.
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