Attendance Allowance - What is Attendance Allowance?
Attendance Allowance is money for people of pension age who have care needs because of physical or mental disability
- Last reviewed 19 September 2023
What is Attendance Allowance?
Attendance Allowance is money for people over pension age who have care needs. You may have care needs if you need help with activities of daily living, such as getting dressed, going to the toilet or having someone to look after you so you do not hurt yourself.
It could include help outside the home. It does not matter if no one actually gives this help, as long as you can show you need it.
You can have any type of disability or illness, including sight or hearing impairments, or mental health issues such as dementia or depression.
Attendance Allowance does not cover mobility needs.
To claim Attendance Allowance, you must have needed help with your care needs for at least 6 months. (If you’re Having a disease that will get worse and death can be expected. See full definition , you can make a claim straight away.)
Attendance Allowance is paid at two different rates and how much you get depends on the level of care that you need because of your disability.
Attendance Allowance is not a Eligibility depends on the amount of income and capital you have. See full definition so your income and savings are not taken into account when assessing if you qualify for the benefit.
Claiming Attendance Allowance won’t reduce any other income you receive. If you’re awarded it, you may become entitled to other benefits, such as Pension Credit, Housing Benefit or Council Tax Reduction, or an increase.
In Scotland, Attendance Allowance is being replaced by a new benefit called Pension Age Disability Payment (PADP). If you currently receive Attendance Allowance, you will automatically switch to the new Pension Age Disability Payment. This new benefit is only available in certain areas. You can use the Scottish Government’s postcode checker to find out if it’s available in your area. It will be rolled out across the rest of Scotland on 22 April 2025.
Applies to: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland
Age rules: You must be Pension Age or over
If you are aged under pension age, see our Personal Independence Payment guide
Type of benefit: Benefits you can get no matter what your income and savings are. See full definition
Taxable: No
Administered by: Disability and Carers Service, Department of Work and Pensions
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