In debt? Find help available through benefits, grants and debt advice services.

To check what benefits you might be entitled to quickly and easily, you can use the Turn2us Benefits Calculator below:
Turn2us Benefits Calculator
To check what benefits you might be entitled to quickly and easily, you can use the Turn2us Benefits Calculator.
Most charitable funds do not settle debts. The small number that do, in certain circumstances, will generally only consider priority debts - such as mortgages, rent, energy bills, court costs and tax.
Debt solutions: Debt Relief Orders (DROs) or Bankruptcy Fees
Since April 2024, DRO fees have been removed and there's now no charge for a DRO in England and Wales (fee still exists for those living in Northern Ireland). Fees do remain in place for bankruptcy.
If you are looking for help with the cost of Debt Relief Orders (DROs) or bankruptcy fees, help may be available to you from some charitable funds, if you meet the qualifying rules (eligibility criteria) for their help.
Where a charitable fund might give help towards the cost of DROs or bankruptcy fees, they will only consider this if you have received debt advice from a recognised debt advice agency (see Advice and Support below) and have considered all the options available to you.
Debt advice services from charitable funds
Some charitable funds listed on our Grants Search also provide debt advice services.
How to prioritise your debts
If you’re starting to miss some of your bill payments, you might be feeling overwhelmed. Money Helper can help you find out how to prioritise and work out which debts to pay off first and get the help you need if you’re struggling with your payments.
Grants Search
Use our Grants Search
To find out what help may be available from charitable funds, you can use the Turn2us Grants Search.
Choose all of the options which are relevant to you, such as any health conditions you have. This will increase the chance of you finding a charity that might be able to give you a grant.
Our Grants Search does not tag charitable fund schemes by 'debt', 'rent arrears', "Debt Relief Orders", "DROs", "Bankruptcy" or "Bankruptcy fees".
Some charities give grants according to individual need. If the profile doesn’t specifically state that the charity doesn’t give grants for bankruptcy fees, it may be worth contacting any charities that match your circumstances and background to ask if they can help.
Breathing Space (Debt Relief Scheme)
Northern Ireland
We are checking what schemes are available in Northern Ireland. For general debt advice, see the Advice and Support section below.
Breathing Space - England and Wales
The Breathing Space scheme is available in England and Wales. You could get up to 60 days' respite from interest, fees, and court action to reduce stress and give you time to deal with your debts.
Debt arrangement scheme - Scotland
A debt payment programme (DPP) is part of the Scottish Government’s Debt Arrangement Scheme (DAS). In a DAS, you pay back the money you owe based on what you can afford. The people you owe money to (also known as your creditors) cannot take court action against you.
Advice and support
If you are worried about debt, it is important that you seek advice from a debt advice charity or service. Some sources of debt advice and/or information are listed below.
Citizens Advice Bureaux
Find your local one using the tool on the home page of the Citizens Advice website
StepChange Debt Charity
The charity provides the UK’s most comprehensive debt advice service. Since 1993, they have helped 7.5 million people with debt problems take back control of their finances and their lives.
Surviving Economic Abuse
If your current or former partner has interfered with your money, financial situation or the things that money can buy in some way to limit your choices, this section of our website is for you.
National Debtline (England and Wales)
All of their advisers are experts in debt advice and their service is always free. They'll give you all the help and support you need to deal with your debts yourself.
Debt Advice Foundation (England and Wales)
A specialist debt charity offering free, confidential advice on any aspect of debt.
Citizens Advice debt information (England)
Dealing with money issues can sometimes be off-putting, but if you don't understand how things like credit or mortgages work, you could end up losing out financially or getting yourself deep in debt. The following pages will give you the information you need to make the right choices, including help to deal with your debt problems, how to avoid losing your home and how to get your finances back into shape.
Citizens Advice debt information (Wales)
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GOV.UK website: Court claims, debt and bankruptcy
Information from Government which includes recovering debts, registering for bankruptcy and as a creditor
Insolvency Service bankruptcy website (England and Wales)
Check how you can deal with your debts.
Citizens Advice debt information (Northern Ireland)
Get advice with how to deal with your debts in Northern Ireland.
AdviceNI debt information
This Debt Service is available in each Council area throughout Northern Ireland, and they offer various methods of getting in contact including online and by phone.
NI Direct Bankruptcy information
If you have debt problems, you might think that becoming bankrupt would help. It's important to understand what bankruptcy is and what alternatives are available.
National Debtline (Scotland)
All of their advisers are experts in debt advice and their service is always free. They'll give you all the help and support you need to deal with your debts yourself.
Accountant in Bankruptcy: Scotland's Insolvency Service
Accountant in Bankruptcy produce and contribute to a significant amount of legislation and information on the Debt Arrangement Scheme, Trust Deeds, personal bankruptcy and insolvency in Scotland.
Citizens Advice Debt information (Scotland)
Keeping on top of your money is a very important aspect of most people's lives. Sometimes unexpected events can cause real money problems.
Tools and information
24/7 online debt advice service (StepChange Debt Charity)
Get free debt advice from the charity StepChange
Money Advice Service
Money Helper will tell you where to go for free debt advice, and how to speak to the people you owe money to. They'll also give tips to help you pay back your debts in the right order.
Independent Age information on debt
If you’re struggling to pay your household bills or worried about how you’re going to pay off your mortgage, there is help available. You can get support to regain control of your finances, as well as advice about where to go for specialist help.
Find an Adviser
To find an adviser in your area, you can use our Find an Adviser tool.