
Turn2us responds to King’s Speech


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Thomas Lawson, chief executive of Turn2us, says: 

“We welcome the King's Speech and its dedication to principles of security, fairness and opportunity for all of us. There are positive measures, including reforms for renters, and a focus on wellbeing and mental health support. These are some of the foundations of financial security. But we need to see more concrete commitments to tackling the rising levels of poverty in the UK. 

 “Our social security system was set up to support anyone struggling to get by. Right now, it is dragging people deeper into poverty instead of lifting them out. We hear from single parents forced to skip meals so they can feed their children. Disabled people are going without essentials because they can’t access benefits.  

 “We urge the government to listen to people’s experiences and take immediate steps to make our social security system fair, accessible, and truly supportive. Key reforms should include abolishing the punitive two-child limit, ensuring benefits are sufficient to cover essential living costs, and dismantling the stigma surrounding poverty.”