Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit - How much Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit (IIDB) will I get?
Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit (IIDB) is for people who are disabled because of an accident at work, or who have certain diseases caused by their work (but not if this is self-employment) IIDB is a no fault scheme paid by Department for Work and Pensions.
- Last reviewed 10 January 2025
How much Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit (IIDB) will I get?
The amount depends on the extent of your disability and your age. For example, if you are assessed as 100% disabled, you would get £221.50 a week.
Depending on the extent of your disability, you can be paid IIDB:
For a fixed period
For life.
You must usually be assessed as having at least 14% disablement to get benefit, although there are exceptions to this. Disablement of 14-19% is rounded up to 20% for payment purposes.
For the current rates of Disablement Benefit, visit the GOV.UK: Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit page.
IIDB will be considered as income if you receive a Eligibility depends on the amount of income and capital you have. See full definition , such as Universal Credit, income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA), Pension Credit or Housing Benefit.
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