
Hospital and benefits - Benefits in Hospital

When you or someone in your family go into or come out of hospital, the benefits you get may change.

Last reviewed 23 October 2023

Benefits in Hospital

Some benefits stop being paid or go down when you, your partner or child have been in hospital as an in-patient for a set period of time. Others are paid in full. 

You should tell whoever pays the benefit (e.g. Jobcentre Plus, your Universal Credit journal, the Pension Service, or the local authority) as soon as you go into hospital. They can then make any changes that need to be made so that you are not paid too much or too little. You cannot assume that if you tell one agency they will tell others - it is your responsibility to tell each benefit.

If you move from a care home into hospital, you also should tell the people paying your benefits straight away as the rules for hospitals and care homes are different. Read our guide on Care Homes and Benefits for more information.


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